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 Alright, All My Deep AF, Magical Woman of Immense Power..

🐉 Golden Earth Warriors,

❤️‍🔥 Heart Leaders, 

🪄 Legendary Lightweavers...

I am beyond ecstatic to invite you to...


The second ROTGE mission! 

🔥 7-9 AUG!!! 🔥

Northern Rivers, Australia

(not for the faint of heart!)

A 3-Day Portal over Lions Gate 8/8, to open your heart for greater love to flow, embody your authentic power, liberate your true voice & activate your divine light body for the Rebirth of the Golden Earth!!!

You are invited to gather upon sacred lands, Bundjalung country, at Arcoora Eco Grounds, at this pivotal point in Earth's journey for this profound personal + collective mission of LOVE + Liberation anchoring in deeper heart-based consciousness for the greatest good of you + all!

Love. Love. Loveeee is leading the way...

Let's see if this portal is for you?!?!

❤️‍🔥If you been overthinking, distracting, doubting or down-right terrified of your gifts + mission + you're (more than) ready to let go + surrender to LOVE, peace + God flowing through you... this is for you! 

🐉If you have been playing & praying on the fringes of embodying your full power & potential of your unique magic... and you're ready to say "fuckkkk it" and let your heart be fully seen, this is for you! 

❤️‍🔥If you're a dragon-in-hiding, like you're kind of showing up in the world with your offerings, then running away again... this is for you! 

🐉If you've been swirlinggg in self-doubts or shitty stories and you're ready to meet the deepest hidden parts of you + lovingly integrate your little self into your heart & body... DIS IS FOR YOU!

❤️‍🔥If you are ready to unlock the majesty of your VOICE, soul song, artistry & self-expression for the greatest good of all... this is for you! 

🐉 If you're calling in a magic MF infinite love heart portal to break through limitations of any kind.... THIS IS FOR YOU! 



A Calling HomeOdelle Maiala Ixaro
00:00 / 03:30

This is a sacred calling for all who are devoted to:

- embody the full creative potential of your heart & soul!

- lead with love & vulnerability

- listen & honour Mother Nature

- be of service for the greatest good of all!!!

Because lawwwwd knows we need all of us badass mother lovers in full force right nowwww! ❤️‍🔥

And when you're LIT & in love, OUR WORLD IS (because we are the Earth)!

​If you're feeeeeeeling this calling... 

REGISTER below or dive deeper!!! 


This mission that landed last year had me ecstatic (yet lil girl trembling)...

I felt the HOLY FUCK YESSSSS + the "HOW-the-fuck-ness" of it all! 😂

I've guided many wildddd group journey's yet this felt different....... and I know if it scares me, I'm on my true path + being called into higher service. I was guided to bring souls to the land to activate, cultivate + integrate heart-based consciousness. 


The first, was a one-day event, 22nd Dec 2023 (last year)... and leading up, I moved through intense unworthiness, fear, "I can't do this!", doubt, heart break... you name it, I felt it!

I was called to face so much self-doubt + embody my heart-womb power + trust, allow + accept support from my guides to allow this first event to come to life!


14 of us journeyed into the depths... and to the heights of ecstatic bliss!!! One day felt like a week... and it took many unexpected turns, like being massaged in avocado & creating the most wild echo chanting chamber in a cut-out watertank!!!  (Here's some snaps of the magic)

It was epic!  Yet the tip of the iceberg of what's being asked for. Some souls stayed over + we journeyed DEEPER the next day + I was like... holy wow.




Since then, I've met + married my Golden River, dragon husband 🐉, journeyed overseas to the Oracle of Delphi + Glastonbury (the heart centre of the world), trained deeper in neuro-somatics + many other daily initiations to PREPARE for this next edition. 


Because of the significance of what we are calling in for the greatest good of all...


A fully heart-led, LOVE-led GOLDEN EARTH!!! 


For us to UNITE, ACTIVATE + AMPLIFY each other's hearts + magical powers! 




We be journeying in the realms of LOVE & LIBERATION baby!

Let go of expectations and open to the INFINITE magic awaiting 💫

Imagine... 🥰

Smiling, we step together onto sacred land, into this collective dreaming ceremony where the passageway of time collapses, and we open the doorways to infinite possibilities


The dreams… in conscious or unconscious awareness stirring in the centre of our hearts, longing to be birthed into existence...

No longer will you deny your heart + truth


You get to destroy and dissolve all that's no longer serving and create all that you desire from your holy heart!


You know, after all, you are the sovereign creator of your reality...


Whether you have been feeling fully aligned in your life, relationships, service + expression OR feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, flat or struggling to see the light of how we are creating this divine reality... 🪄🪄🪄

No matter what's unfolding in your life right now...


This mystery journey guided by ancient wisdom + love, pulsing with infinite, magical possibilities of what will be remembered, activated and unlocked for you is here + you are bornnnn worthy...


All that's required is for you to hold prayer + intention, curiosity, courage & trust of what you desire for you + the world to allow it to unfold... 


  • your heart activated to feel ultimate trust, self-love + unconditional love for all

  • feeling deeeeeeply reconnected to Source + God with a clear, divine, channel

  • remembrance of your unique soul gifts

  • feeling next level empowered, devoted + clear in your life path + soul mission

  • knowing + being your divine, sovereign expression 

  • light language activating

  • kundalini awakening and feeling more alive and powerful than ever

  • reconnection with your spirit team, power animals, your dragon guide

  • activate your soul song

  • + what your heart desires...

A precious & potent opportunity to journey with soul tribe who are here to rebirth the Golden Earth in all it's glory, and celebrate as you feel your victory!!!


The Deeper Deets...❤️‍🔥

Mmmm mmmm. Our journey is being woven together in deep listening to each other's challenges + prayers (expressed in advance + on arrival), Mother Earth, Spirit and the mystery so it is the MOST relevant + potent for everybody, in service to the fulfilling the overall mission!!!

Imagine a plant-medicine journey... without the plants. 

A delicious merging of THEATRE & THERAPY.

Of Play + Pray. 

Of Workshop & Ceremony. 

Of Ecstatic Remembrance... 


Here is a guide of possible unfoldings 🔥

🐉 Anchoring on the land, co-created Altar & Prayer

🐉 Divine Union Dragon Heart Awakening 

🐉 Heart Creativity Portal 
🐉 Ecstatic Dance 

🐉 Chakra/ body activation & divine alignment 

🐉 Breathwork 

🐉 Inner Child Play 

🐉 NSA - Neuro-somatic Attunement 

🐉 Ritual Theatre + Scenework / Roleplay
🐉 Channelled sound & song activations
🐉 Visualisation and Receiving Messages 

🐉 Wisdom & Witnessing circle
🐉 Elemental Ceremony
🐉 Gratitude & Devotion Ceremony
🐉 Fire and feasting celebration

We will be working deeply with the elementals, light language, song, sound, visualisations, the unseen realms (dragonsssss), breath, prayer, energetics.


You will be seen and heard (in the most soul activating and quenching way!)

You will be invited to dive into the most VULNERABLE aspects of yourself, to move emotions + invite the greatest light to anchor through your being. 


- 6 main deeeeep dive sessions + the sessions within the sessions... 😏

- 4 organic, GF, plant-based meals + snacks (dinner, brunch, dinner, brunch) by an incredibleeeee caterering Queen! 

- Ceremonial Cacao, Delicious Beverages & Decadent Dessert

Dorm-room style accommodation (byo bedding or byo camping on the land!) 

- Soul-tribe intimacy & connections for life! 

- 2 x Zoom call expansion + integrations post immersion! 


After Rebirth Inclusions:


2 x Zoom Call Expansions + Integrations

16th Aug  - 1pm - 2.30pm AEST

21st Aug - 1pm - 2.30pm AEST 


Dates & ROUGH Schedule (subject to shift)


7th August

 11 - 12pm - Arrival + Setup (carpooling to the top at these times. *there is no reception within 15mins of venue) 

12 - 1pm - Anchoring in... Snacks + refreshments! 

1:11pm - Opening Ceremony! 

5.30pm - Dinner 

7pm - Second Session! 

10pm (ish) - sleep 

8th August (lionsgate portal)

7am - morning session! (cacao ceremony)

10.30am - Brunch

1pm - Middle Session

5.30pm - Dinner

7pm - Evening session

10pm (ish) - sleep

9th August 

7am - morning session!

10.30am - brunch 

1pm - closing circle

3pm - HOME!!!


Venue, Facilitites & Logistics


Arcoora Arts + Ecological Training Ground, Collins Creek. (Click for more info of the land, facilities + their mission) 


This is Private Community Land with 4WD access mostly. If the weather is good + you plan to bring a van, it MAY make it up.


Otherwise + mostly, parking will be at the bottom + you will be chauffeured up ! 



Bring / Wear 

- Comfortable + magical clothing for 3 days! 

- Sacred Item/s for altar/ journey

- Journal & pens 
- Water bottle 
- Swimwear & towel & sarong
- instruments - drums, shakers, rattles
- Outdoor cushion/ mat

- Bedding for dorm or tent + sleeping items if wanting to camp on the land! 
- Torch

- Insect repellant

- Anything else that feels called to be brought!!! (just be mindful of space in the carpooling!) 

Can I get a fuck yeahhhhh?!?! 🪄🪄🪄


This is about TOGETHER anchoring in the most:

  • magical 

  • abundant

  • love-led and,

  • fulfilling

life + service that your heart + soul is longing for, as the greatest gift for all!!!

This journey is for you if you share the collective dreaming of Heaven on Earth, of the prayer of birthing the GOLDEN EARTH... 

This portal is for you devoted to:

  • Come all the way HOME to your original sovereign, trusting, peaceful & heart-centred self! 

  • Be so anchored in your truth, beauty + power that you feel unfuckwithable + no external forces uproot you

  • Be fully expressive of your authentic heart + soul, being seen and heard!

  • Reprogram self-limiting beliefs, fear & self-doubt, + return to self-trust, self-confidence & love at whole new levels!

  • Have clarity on your unique soul mission + to take action...

  • Create + swim in the golden rivers of abundance!!

  • Be intimately weaving with potent souls who inspire, honour, celebrate and support you

  • Have deep, revolutionary + nourishing relationships - with self, others, Mother Earth and God

  • Feel radically alive, in love + live wildly like it's your last moment on Earth!

  • Embody the wildly, audacious, creative, unapologetic love exploding soul that you know you are

  • BELIEVE in the power of prayer & collective consciousness to birth new realities & activate a new timeline for our Golden Earth

This portal is NOT for you if you:

  • Don't want to live from the highest love + be of service to the rebirth of the Golden Earth

  • Aren't here for the greatest good of all!

  • Aren't willing to take radical responsibility for your life!

  • Don't trust in the power of love to reveal + heal all 

  • Want a light and fluffy journey and you aren't prepared to meet your deepest grief, darkest shadow, and your highest joy and personal power

  • Aren't comfortable with light language 

  • Are afraid of the dark and going into the unknown ...

  • Don't like basic, simple natural living! 

  • Aren't comfortable with sacred sexuality

💫💗Love Tokens💗💫

💫💗 444 💗💫

- Super Early Bird

- For 5-10 initial supporters or before love tokes increase *randomly* as below!!!

💫💗 555 💗💫

💫💗 666 💗💫

💫💗 777 💗💫

Money, is simply LOVE currency in a different form! When it is given & received with love... it allows the love to flow. And love is infinite. We are worthy of infinite love & infinite money. When heart warriors are infinitely resourced, we resource the whole world, because we allow love + money to flow flow flow! 

Thank you for your love currency that will help to support the community living on this land, & many more heart based helpers! 


Who Is Your Main Facilitator, Odelle?! 😏

Odelle sings the songs of the lands & seas, dances the prayers of ancestral & celestial beings & calls for wild souls to remember who they are through her full expression!  

She is a wild creature, prayerformance artist & soul embodiment mentor, guide and facilitator, devoted to activating humans into their heart, souls, beauty, power & truth. 


She has trained & served in various modalities including, Occupational Therapy, Yoga Teaching, Feminine Embodiment, Breathwork, Neuro-Somatic Attunement and has been facilitating events, journeys and programs online and in person for the last 3 years and believes when we live from our heart and embody our soul, we step into the power of collective dreaming for birthing our Golden Earth into being in all its rich, gloriousness!


Nature is her church. And everything is medicine.


It's been said… “she’s out here dripping sweet soul nectar for starving souls to come alive”... 🤤

She's here for those desiring deep, immersive, rebirth work that enriches & illuminates every cell in your being & ripples abundantly to bless all of life! And if that's you... one of the deeper, intimate containers may be for you! You can receive free support in her FB community here​. 

+ other litty titty legendary Earth Angels who you will get to be blessed by!!! 

So... are you ready to light it up babyyy???

Come for the tribe, food & nature, stay for the next level upgrades!!! (or vice versa) 8/8 Lionsgate Portal Magic - Let's let loveeee reign! 🐉

Finally, thank you...💗 Thank you to all of my guides, dragons + supports in the physical + metaphysical realms to allow this mission to come to life. To all of my ancestors... and the traditional custodians of the lands where this has been written + where we will gather, thank you for your prayers sewn into the tapestry of my existence + every soul will receive through this gathering + beyond. Thank you to YOU, for showing up + reading til here! And I pray we get to weave on the land, if it's FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD!!! Infinite gratitude!!!! 

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