Ola wild souls!
Let's fucking gooo... 😏
I could not froth this more! On the 18th Sep is the Full moon lunar eclipse... AND... my mother fucking birthday... and my guides have said: your greatest gift is to activate the dragons!!! So here we go.
The veils are THIN on the eclipse, and it's a potent time to allow your inner dragon to come fully alive.
Why would you want to?! Because it will literally deliciously impact every area of your life - igniting your unapologetic expression, ecstatic body, unwavering clarity... ability to relax into your SOFT POWER, your graceful ruthlessness. and be able to do shit you never thought you could.
If you KNOW you are ready to fly in your highest timeline. Come. You will get to process & integrate all parts & emotions that are in the way of you embodying your inner dragon fully.
Trust me, or rather... trust your intuition! game. changer.